Track Categories

The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.

Inorganic chemistry deals with the synthesis and behavior of inorganic and organometallic compounds. This field covers all chemical compounds except the myriad organic compounds (carbon-based compounds, usually containing C-H bonds), which are the subjects of organic chemistry. The distinction between the two disciplines is far from absolute, as there is much overlap in the subdiscipline of organometallic chemistry. It has applications in every aspect of the chemical industry, including catalysis, materials science, pigments, surfactants, coatings, medications, fuels, and agriculture.

  • Track 1-1Descriptive Inorganic chemistry
  • Track 1-2Main group componds
  • Track 1-3Transition Metal compounds
  • Track 1-4Organometallic coumpounds
  • Track 1-5Cluster coumpounds
  • Track 1-6Bioinorganic compounds
  • Track 1-7Solid state coumpounds
  • Track 1-8Solid state coumpounds
  • Track 1-9Theortical Inorganic chemistry
  • Track 1-10Qualitative theories
  • Track 1-11Molecular symmetry group theory
  • Track 1-12Industrial Inorganic chemistry

An important part of inorganic chemistry is the study of the behaviour of chemical elements and their compounds. If this behaviour is to be explained with any confidence, it needs first to be described in quantitative language


  • Track 2-1Mechanistic inorganic chemistry
  • Track 2-2Main group elements and lanthanides
  • Track 2-3Transition metal complexes
  • Track 2-4Redox reactions
  • Track 2-5Redox reactions
  • Track 2-6Reactions at ligands
  • Track 2-7Characterization of inorganic compounds
  • Track 2-8Synthetic inorganic chemistry

Spectroscopy is useful in physical and analytical chemistry because atoms and molecules have unique spectra. As a result, these spectra techniques are used to detect and quantify information about the atoms and molecules. There are different types of spectroscopic techniques which are used in detecting organic molecules.


  • Track 3-1 Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds
  • Track 3-2 Determination of Organic Compounds by Mass Spectrometry
  • Track 3-3 Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy techniques
  • Track 3-4 Analyzing Organic Compound with Infrared Spectroscopy
  • Track 3-5 Determination of physical and chemical properties by NMR spectroscopy
  • Track 3-6 Application of Spectroscopic Methods in Molecular Structure Determination
  • Track 3-7 Structure Elucidation of Organic Molecules
  • Track 3-8 Fluorous Materials for Biomedical Uses

A Domino reaction is a transformation that installs two or more bonds under Similar conditions. The advantages of methods that construct complex molecules in a single reaction are self-evident, that provides both atom and step economy.


  • Track 4-1 Cationic Transformations
  • Track 4-2 Anionic Transformations
  • Track 4-3 Radical Transformations
  • Track 4-4 Transformations with Carbenes and Nitrenes
  • Track 4-5 Pericyclic Transformations
  • Track 4-6 Photochemical Transformations
  • Track 4-7 Transition Metal Catalysed Transformations
  • Track 4-8 Special techniques in domino reactions

It is a major class of organic chemical compounds characterized by the some of or all the atoms in their molecules will join in rings containing at least one atom of an element other than carbon. Among the various clinical applications, heterocycles compounds have a Significant active role as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-tumor drugs.

  • Track 5-1 General Aspects Of Heterocyclic Compounds
  • Track 5-2 Pharmaceutical applications
  • Track 5-3 Discovering new heterocyclic systems
  • Track 5-4 Heterocyclic Anticancer Compounds

Green Chemistry is considered as to safeguard environment from pollution. It comprises a new approach to the synthesis, processing and application of chemical substances and explains the hazards for human health and environmental pollution. It also focuses on such problems as atom economy, toxicity, solvents, energy consumption, usage of raw materials from the renewable resources and decomposition of the chemical products to simple non-toxic substances that are easily decomposed with the environment.


  • Track 6-1 Atom Economy
  • Track 6-2 Designing Safer Products
  • Track 6-3 Avoidance or Minimization of Hazardous Products
  • Track 6-4 Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries
  • Track 6-5 Use of Renewable Feedstocks
  • Track 6-6 Design of Degradable Products
  • Track 6-7 Analytical Chemistry in Green Technologies
  • Track 6-8 Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention

Environmental Chemistry is the study of behaviour organic chemicals in the environment which includes the study of the structure, physical, chemical and the responsive of organic compounds for understanding the behaviour of organic compounds not only in the pure form but also in the aqueous and non-aqueous solutions as well as the chemistry of complex mixtures to return the same in where such chemicals are exist in the environment.


  • Track 7-1 Organic chemicals in the Environment
  • Track 7-2 Environmental Oxidations
  • Track 7-3 Environmental Photochemistry
  • Track 7-4 Organic Chromophores
  • Track 7-5 Environmental Analytical Chemistry
  • Track 7-6 Toxicants
  • Track 7-7 Pollution Remediation

Computational Chemistry uses the computer simulations in predicting, understanding, or explaining the chemical reactivity. It uses various methods that are used in the theoretical chemistry, incorporated into efficient computer programs, and provides the calculation of the structures and properties of liquids and solids.


  • Track 8-1 Computing Physical Properties
  • Track 8-2 Analyzing Organic Reactions
  • Track 8-3 Computational Methods
  • Track 8-4 Conformational Searching
  • Track 8-5 Visualizing Electronic Structures and Electrostatic Potentials
  • Track 8-6 Visualizing Molecular Orbitals
  • Track 8-7 Analyzing Reaction Thermodynamics
  • Track 8-8 Predicting Spectra (IR, NMR, and UV/Vis)
  • Track 8-9 Transition-State Modelling
  • Track 8-10 Building and Characterizing Reactive Intermediates
  • Track 8-11 Interpreting Computational Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity
  • Track 8-12 Stereocontrol in Organic Reactions
  • Track 8-13 Molecular Modelling for Organic Chemistry

Bio-transformation means chemical alteration of chemicals such as nutrients, amino acids, toxins, and drugs in the body. It is also needed to give nonpolar compounds polar so that they are not reabsorbed in renal tubules and are discharged. Bio-Transformation of chemical substances can dominate Toxicokinetic and the metabolites can reach to high concentrations in organisms than the parent compounds. The metabolism of a drug or toxin in a body is an example of a bio-transformation. Because of the high stereo or combined with high product purity and high deserved compound excesses, bio-transformations are technically known as superior for the traditional synthesis of Chemicals.


  • Track 9-1 Applications of Biotransformations
  • Track 9-2 Biotransformation of Drugs
  • Track 9-3 Isolation of Biotransformation Products
  • Track 9-4 Biodegradative Pathways for Biotransformation
  • Track 9-5 Biocatalyst Production
  • Track 9-6 Biocatalyst Characterization and Design

Fluorous Chemistry involves the use of pre fluorinate compounds or pre fluorinate substituents to facilitate recovery of a catalyst or reaction product. per fluorinate groups impart unique physical properties including high solubility in per fluorinate solvents. This property is useful in organic synthesis and separation methods such as solid phase extraction. These techniques are applicable to both green chemical process development and chemical discovery research. It improves productivity through efficient purification.


  • Track 10-1 Fluorous Chemistry: Scope
  • Track 10-2 Fluorous Solvents and Related Media
  • Track 10-3 Strategies for the Recovery of Fluorous Catalysts and Reagents: Design and Evaluation
  • Track 10-4 Light Fluorous Chemistry
  • Track 10-5 Highlights of Applications in Synthesis and Catalysis
  • Track 10-6 Applications of Fluorous Compounds in Materials Chemistry
  • Track 10-7 Fluorous Separation Techniques
  • Track 10-8 Fluorous Materials for Biomedical Uses

Physical Chemistry is the discipline of organic chemistry that focus on the relation between chemical structure and their reactivity. It is study of chemical molecules and specific focal points of study include the rates of organic reactions, the relative chemical Stability of the starting materials, reactive intermediates, transition states, and products obtained from the chemical reactions, non-covalent aspects of solvations and interactions in molecules that influence chemical reactivity.


  • Track 11-1 Catalysis and Photocatalysis
  • Track 11-2 Aromaticity and Conjugation
  • Track 11-3 Chemistry of Dimensional Polymers
  • Track 11-4 Supramolecular Interactions
  • Track 11-5 Application of Physical Organic Chemical Principles
  • Track 11-6 Crystallography Approaches
  • Track 11-7 Electro and photochemistry
  • Track 11-8 Polymer and Supramolecular Chemistry
  • Track 11-9 Conformational Analysis

Organic chemistry is the study of the reactions, structures, properties in the organic compounds and organic materials. The research carried by modern organic chemists impacts almost every aspect of human life, and their chemical innovations and the production useful organic molecules remains one of the worlds most profitable industries.


  • Track 12-1 Organometallics in Organic Synthesis
  • Track 12-2 New Synthetic Methods and Strategies
  • Track 12-3 Advances in Catalysis
  • Track 12-4 Process Development and Structure, Function and Mechanism
  • Track 12-5 New Chemical Technologies
  • Track 12-6 Process Development and Catalytic Methods
  • Track 12-7 Developements in the process of Metal Catalysis for Organic Synthesis
  • Track 12-8 Molecular Synthesis Advancements
  • Track 12-9 Synthetic Biology and Synthetic Chemistry Converge

Bioorganic chemistry is a rapidly growing scientific term that combines both organic chemistry and biochemistry. However  it is most common practice focusing on small organic molecules encompasses synthetic organic chemistry and computational chemistry in close combines with chemical biology, enzymes and structural biology, together aiming at the discovery and developments of new therapeutic agents. It employs organic chemistry to explain how enzymes catalyze the reactions of metabolic pathways and why metabolites reactions do. Mainly it aims to expand the organicchemical research on structures, synthesis, and kinetics.


  • Track 13-1 Biophysical Tools in Drug Discovery and Chemical Biology
  • Track 13-2 Design of New Cellular Tools for Biology
  • Track 13-3 Chemical Biology of Post-Translational Modification
  • Track 13-4 Proteins and Peptides with Novel Functions
  • Track 13-5 Chemical Biology Approach for Treating Diseases
  • Track 13-6 Drug Discovery in Autoimmunity
  • Track 13-7 General discussion on Medicinal and Synthetic Chemistry

OrganoCatalysis refers to catalysis, whereby the rate of a chemical reaction can increase by an organic catalyst referred to as an catalyst that consists of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur and other non metal elements found in organic compounds.Organocatalysts which display secondary amine functionality is described as performing either double bond catalysis by forming catalytic quantities of an active double bond nucleophile or imminium catalysis by forming catalytic quantities of an activated imminium electron acceptor . This mechanism is typical for covalent organocatalysis. The advantages of these catalyst include their lack of sensitivity to moisture and oxygen, their ready availability, low price, and low toxicity, which confers a huge direct benefit in the yield of pharmaceutical intermediates when compared with (transition) metal catalysts.


  • Track 14-1 Novel Reactivity and Catalytic Reactions
  • Track 14-2 Organic Chemistry and Cancer
  • Track 14-3 New Catalytic Strategies for Chemical Synthesis
  • Track 14-4 Chemical Approaches for Biosynthesis of Small Molecules
  • Track 14-5 Total Synthesis of Natural Products
  • Track 14-6 Mechanistic Organic Chemistry
  • Track 14-7 Organic Materials
  • Track 14-8 Sustainable Organic Chemistry
  • Track 14-9 New Insights in Catalysis

Organic reactions are reactions involving organic compounds. The basic organic chemistry reaction types are elimination reactions, substitution reactions, addition reactions,  pericyclic reactions, photochemical reactions rearrangement reactions and redox reactions. In organic synthesis, organic reactions nearly useful in development of new organic molecules. The Development of many synthetic chemicals such as drugs, plastics, food additives, fabrics depend on these organic reactions. Organic reactions plays an important role production in pharmaceuticals.


  • Track 15-1 New Reaction Methodology
  • Track 15-2 Efficient Processes in Drug Development
  • Track 15-3 Metal Catalysis
  • Track 15-4 Reaction Optimization and Design
  • Track 15-5 Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds
  • Track 15-6 New Strategies for Reaction Mechanisms
  • Track 15-7 Organic Process Research and Development

Organic Synthesis is constructing a target molecule ranging from complex, biologically active natural products to new materials. Organic molecules often contain a higher level of complexity than purely inorganic compounds, so that the synthesis of organic compounds has been one of the most important development  in organic chemistry field.


  • Track 16-1 Innovations in Total Synthesis of Complex Molecules
  • Track 16-2 New Reaction Technologies
  • Track 16-3 Automation in organic synthesis
  • Track 16-4 Chemical Engineering
  • Track 16-5 Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis
  • Track 16-6 Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Organic Reactions
  • Track 16-7 Physical Methods of Separation and Identification of Organic Compounds
  • Track 16-8 Chemical Technology of Organic Substances
  • Track 16-9 Technology of Organic Substances
  • Track 16-10 Methods of Organic Substances Analysis

Supramolecular chemistry is the area of chemistry that deals with secondary interactions rather than covalent bonding in the molecules and focuses on the chemical systems made up of a discrete number of assembled molecular sub-units or components. It is applicable for the better understanding of protein structure as well as other biological processes.


  • Track 17-1 Bio-Relevant Supramolecular Systems
  • Track 17-2 Molecular Machines and Mechanically-Induced Chemistry
  • Track 17-3 Organic Electronic Materials, Including Single-Molecule Devices
  • Track 17-4 Photonic Nanostructures
  • Track 17-5 Supramolecular Polymers

Nanomaterial-based catalysts are usually heterogeneous catalysts broken up into metal nanoparticles to speed up the catalytic process. In organic chemistry, hydrogenation of a C-Cl bond with deuterium is used to selectively label of aromatic ring which is used in experiments dealing with the kinetic isotope effects.

  • Track 18-1 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • Track 18-2 Application of Nanoparticles in Organic Catalysis
  • Track 18-3 Various Methods of Synthesis of Nanoparticles
  • Track 18-4 Nanoparticles Based on Nanostructured Polymers
  • Track 18-5 Multimetallic Nanoparticles
  • Track 18-6 Gold Nanoparticles-Catalyzed Oxidations in Organic Chemistry

Stereochemistry involves the study of the relative spatial arrangement of atoms within the molecules. It spans the entire spectrum of organic, inorganic, biological, physical and especially supramolecular chemistry. Stereo-chemistry includes methods for determining and describing these relationships and effect on the physical or biological properties and the way these relationships influence the reactivity of the molecules.

  • Track 19-1 Conformations and Chirality
  • Track 19-2 Optical Activity
  • Track 19-3 Analysis of 3-dimensional Arrangement of Molecules
  • Track 19-4 Probe Reaction Mechanisms
  • Track 19-5 Crystallographic Technique
  • Track 19-6 Stereochemical Issues in Chemical Biology

Organic Industrial Chemistry is branch of chemistry which deals with the applications of organic raw materials towards the transformation into products that are high benificial to the industries such as petroleum, pigments, food products, pharmaceuticals, paints, soaps, detergents and cosmetic products. This acts an a bridge between laboratory chemistry and large scale reactions in the industries. Industrialchemistry also involves process selectivity of organic compounds, waste management and products purification techniques.


  • Track 20-1 Liquefaction of Gases
  • Track 20-2 Organic Chemical Process
  • Track 20-3 Physical Processes
  • Track 20-4 Petroleum and Organic Compounds
  • Track 20-5 Chemical Separations

Electrochemistry is the branch that deals with chemical reactions that take places at the interface of an electrode, usually a semiconductor, a solid metal ionic conductor, in the electrolyte. These reactions involve electric charges moving between the electrolysis process. Electrochemistry is redox chemistry.



  • Track 21-1 Advanced Electrochemistry
  • Track 21-2 Electrochemistry in Molecular and Microscopic Dimenssions
  • Track 21-3 Electrochemical Engineering
  • Track 21-4 Metallurgical Electrochemistry
  • Track 21-5 Applications of Electrochemistry
  • Track 21-6 Photoelectrochemistry

Rural science manages both science and organic chemistry which are significant in the rural generation, that handles the crude items into nourishment, drinks, and in ecological checking and remediation. It likewise manages different methods for expanding yield and development stimulants and fills in as the logical reason for bringing compound procedures into agribusiness. As a fundamental science, it grasps further more to test-tube science all the existing forms through that people nourishment and fiber for themselves and feed for their creatures. As a designing or innovation, it's guided towards administration of these procedures to better yielding and enhance the quality cut back costs.


  • Track 22-1 Bio-Chemistry and Agrochemicals
  • Track 22-2 Introduction of Agro Climatology
  • Track 22-3 Elementaary Calculus
  • Track 22-4 Introduction to plantpathogens, Plant diseases and their Management
  • Track 22-5 Principles of Genetics
  • Track 22-6 Environmental Management
  • Track 22-7 Boichemistry and Metabolism

Polymer Chemistry deals with large molecules made up of repeating units which are monomers. The scope of polymer chemistry extends with only a few repeating units to high polymers with thousands of repeating units. Polymer chemistry includes branches that stimulates the division of chemistry as a whole, with new synthetic, physical, biological, and analytical chemistry. Pre-existing polymers can also modified by chemical reagents that includes in grafting or functionalization reactions.

  • Track 23-1 Recent Developments in Polymer Synthesis
  • Track 23-2 Polymer Design and Reaction
  • Track 23-3 Biopolymers and Biomaterials
  • Track 23-4 Polymer Engineering
  • Track 23-5 Bioplastics
  • Track 23-6 Polymer Science

Geochemistry is the study of the tools and principles of chemistry which explains the mechanisms behind major geological systems such as the Earth crust,oceans and systems of other planets. It includes the  biogeochemistry, organic geochemistry,elemental geochemistry,metamorphic and igneous-rocks.


  • Track 24-1 Bio-Geochemical cycle
  • Track 24-2 Analysis of Water Chemistry
  • Track 24-3 Chemical Oceanography
  • Track 24-4 Carbon Cycle
  • Track 24-5 Petroleum Geochemistry